Riggs Creek OzFlux tower site
Data from the Riggs Creek site, Victoria. Site Established November 2010.

The Riggs Creek flux station is located in Goulburn-Broken catchment in North-Eastern Victoria: 36°38.594' S, 145°34.208' E.

The flux tower site is located within an area of dryland agriculture. The surrounding area is dominated by broadacre farming practices. The vegetation cover is predominantly pasture. Elevation of the site is close to 152m and mean annual precipitation at a nearby Bereau of Meteorology site measures 650mm.

Maximum temperatures range from 12.3°C (in July) to 29.7°C (in February), while minimum temperatures range from 10.4°C (in July) to 26.8°C (in February).

The instrument mast is 4 meters tall. Heat, water vapour and carbon dioxide measurements are taken using the open-path eddy flux technique. Temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall and net radiation are measured. Soil heat fluxes are measured and soil moisture content is gathered using time domain reflectometry.
Created by Jason Beringer, Creation date: 2014-02-03 04:45, Modified by Jason Beringer, Modified date: 2017-12-01 06:18
Temporal Coverage:
2010-12-18 - 2013-09-18
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Citation Information
If you make use of this collection in your research, please cite:
Jason Beringer (2014 ) Riggs Creek OzFlux tower site OzFlux: Australian and New Zealand Flux Research and Monitoring hdl: 102.100.100/14246
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Riggs Creek
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Riggs Creek
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Riggs Creek
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Riggs Creek
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Riggs Creek
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