Red Dirt Melon Farm OzFlux tower site
Red Dirt Melon flux tower site is located on Red Dirt Melon farm in the Venn agricultural district, approximate 25km south east of Katherine, Northern Territory. It was established in August 2011 while the site supported tropical savanna. The site is part of a deforestation experiment measuring greenhouse gas exchange during conversion of forest to farmland. The savanna has now been cleared and the land is being cultivated for watermelon production in 2013.
Created by Jason Beringer, Creation date: 2014-02-03 03:15, Modified by Jason Beringer, Modified date: 2014-02-03 03:25
Temporal Coverage:
2011-08-01 - 2013-07-21
Metadata Published:
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  • credit is given to the original sources/s of the data (and any other nominated parties) in the manner stipulated (Attribution);
Citation Information
If you make use of this collection in your research, please cite:
Jason Beringer (2014 ) Red Dirt Melon Farm OzFlux tower site OzFlux: Australian and New Zealand Flux Research and Monitoring hdl: 102.100.100/14245
A total of 9 data file(s) in this collection
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Site Name:
Red Dirt Melon Farm
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File Name:
Site Name:
Red Dirt Melon Farm
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File Name:
Site Name:
Red Dirt Melon Farm
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File Name:
Site Name:
Red Dirt Melon Farm
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File Name:
Site Name:
Red Dirt Melon Farm
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File Name:
Site Name:
Red Dirt Melon Farm
Processing Level:
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File Name:
Site Name:
Red Dirt Melon Farm
Processing Level:
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File Name:
Site Name:
Red Dirt Melon Farm
Processing Level:
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File Name:
Site Name:
Red Dirt Melon Farm
Processing Level:
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