Yarramundi Irrigated Paddock
The Yarramundi Irrigated site is an improved, managed pasture on the Western Sydney University Hawkesbury campus. Original woodland vegetation was cleared prior to 1950. A mixture of native and exotic grasses and forbs dominate the site, which is used by cattle in an intensively managed grazing operation. The flux tower was established in October of 2019 and is managed by the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, with partial support from TERN and WSU Office of Estate and Commercial (Farm Production Unit).
Created by Cacilia Ewenz, Creation date: 2022-02-23 11:26, Modified by Elise Pendall, Modified date: 2023-09-05 04:45
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Citation Information
If you make use of this collection in your research, please cite:
Cacilia Ewenz (2022 ) Yarramundi Irrigated Paddock OzFlux: Australian and New Zealand Flux Research and Monitoring local: MON1ee45abb-ed2f-4f11-bbd0-054f5fff3889
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