About Us
The OzFlux system was built by Monash eResearch Centre as part of the ANDS funded Monash ARDC-EIF Data Capture and Metadata Store Project. The solution developed for this project has been specifically tailored to the OzFlux Research Community needs as articulated by Dr Peter Isaac of the Monash University School of Geography and Environmental Science within the Faculty of Arts. This project aimed to develop software solutions that:
  • capture data and metadata from research instruments and devices
  • make available and automate feeds of data collection descriptions
  • enable data/metadata management and sharing
  • facilitate the re-use and discovery of data
  • recognise the need to facilitate the overall data stream/s from Monash to the RDA which include collections with related party and activity descriptions in compliance with the requirements set out in the ANDS Minimum Metadata Contents for RIF-CSThis project is supported by the Australian National Data Service (ANDS). ANDS is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Program and the Education Investment Fund (EIF) Super Science Initiative.
For all enquiries and assistance, please contact:
Peter Isaac (pisaac.ozflux@gmail.com)