Data from this portal are available as NetCDF files. Information on this file format is available here and information on the OzFlux use of NetCDF files is available here.
There is a large range of options for viewing or reading the NetCDF files available from this portal.
Many of the applications commonly used for data processing (IDL, GDL, Python, MatLab, R etc) are able to read and write NetCDF files. OzFlux uses and recommends the Miniconda Python V3+ Distribution for manipulating the NetCDF data files available on this portal.
Libraries for reading and writing NetCDF files are also available for Fortran, C and other programming languages, see the UniData web site for details.
Various command line utilities are also available for viewing the contents of NetCDF files such as ncBROWSE and ncVIEW, see the UniData site for a complete list of third party software for use with NetCDF files.
OzFlux uses a suite of Python scripts to process the data from its flux towers. The scripts are available from github PyFluxPro. PyFluxPro can read NetCDF files and plot timeseries and fingerprints.